Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Top Ten Zombie Movies

My recent post about the upcoming movie Zombieland caused me to ponder on the top 10 zombie movies of all time. This list is based completely on my opinion, feel free to disagree with me if you so choose.

Top 10 Zombie Movies:

2. Night of the Living Dead (George A. Romero)
4. Dawn of the Dead (George A. Romero)
5. Day of the Dead (George A. Romero)
6. Land of the Dead (George A. Romero)

If you want a full list of zombie movies click here.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I've got a thing for Zombie movies. I love'em. I can't get enough of them. I am excited about this new zombie movie, Zombieland, staring Woody Harrelson. It also has Jesse Eisenberg from Adventureland and Bill Murray as a Zombie. It looks like a lot of fun.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Black - 48 Hour Film Project

This is a video I made two summers ago during the Dallas 48 Hour Film Contest.